Wine Camp

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Closer to Fine - Wine

There she is in a full page photo with feature story in the December 15th, 2005 issue of The Wine Spectator. Emily Saliers, 50% of The Indigo Girls, a folk-rock duo that makes clear their left-wing, anti-establishment politics. The article doesn't focus on politics of course, but on the fact that Saliers is now a restaurateur and wine lover. The caption below her photo lists her favorite wines as; 1994 Silver Oak, 1996 Opus One and 2000 Petrus.  Now there are some radical left-wing wine choices. It seems very strange that an artist who has prided herself as being a free-spirit would list wines that epitomize conservative choices (both wine and political choices) when there are so many wine growers in the world that make spectacular wine AND agree with her politics, indeed with her entire view of life. What this means I am not sure. You can certainly chalk it up to new money and little wine experience (and too much Wine Spectator reading) and hope that Saliers eventually follows the spirit of her art as she selects her wines. Celebrity and business-expense-account drinking are the only reason contrived wines like Opus and Silver Oak exist and articles like this just keep them going.